Friday, August 19, 2011

Moving out week approaching

I know I haven't been posting much these past few weeks. Most of my entries are in my journal and I haven't found the time to transfer them and update this blog. The reason is most of the time, I am driving and shopping for things that we needed for our home. I'll try to tell you more about that when I find the chance to sit down and really write.

To date, our house is still far from being finished. I've been trying to stay calm and hopeful that our general contractor will stay true to his word when he said that we will be able to move in by next Saturday (end of August). But, I fear that we'll be moving in an unfinished and uncomfortable house. So far, they still have to (1) finish the kitchen cabinets and kitchen counter (2) install the granite countertop and appliances (3) paint the cabinets, walls and ceiling (4) do electrical stuff and finish rewiring the ceiling (5) do the plumbing in the kitchen and laundry area (6) build our kitchen closet (7) gout the granite floor tiles (8) install the gate and pergola and (9) do the exhausts for the 2 bathrooms (10) do the carport. For the past days, my husband and I were so committed to push for results that we drive 60km everyday just to check the progress, but to our dismay, we have only seen one person working vigorously to finish our home - the electrician - Kim. It's really disappointing.

Anyway, tomorrow, I am hoping to see more results.

I'll try to keep you updated and probably share some pictures of the progress.

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